
New Life Eve

I just finished putting out clothes for tomorrow and packing lunches. I made a big deal about how the kids were going to have to pack their own lunches every night and put out their clothes for the next day before bed. We got back late from the Monterey Bay Aquarium and I decided that the girls absolutely positively had to have haircuts before tomorrow morning. Mike dashed them out to Supercuts while I took lunch orders and went through the folded laundry for clean outfits. Good start. Sigh.

Then we realized that they had no good shoes. Both had blisters from too-small shoes at the aquarium today and Evelyn's good shoes are stranded at the side of the American River and Clem's in some shoe purgatory from which they will emerge only after she has outgrown them. The shoe selection was quite picked over at Target, so we'll see tomorrow if the new ones even work.

I admit to being nervous and thinking that it will not be a restful night.


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